Amandla Publishing: daytrtmnt


Peter Gallo  

With an introduction 
by Robert Buckeye  

Unpaged.  2002


     Gallo is an artist and writer who lives in Hyde Park, Vermont, and Montreal.  His reviews and articles have appeared in Art New England and Art in America and his work has been exhibited at White Column, Steven Kasher Gallery and Wendy Cooper Gallery.  Gallo is a member of the Grass Roots Art and Community Effort and works as a psychiatric crisis support worker in a community health care agency and daytreatment facility in rural Vermont.  

“Gallo’s painterly fusion of drawing and writing with respect to his text’s surface and subsurface, the inclusion of marginalia , interlinear annotation, erasure marks and smudging, and an active artistic skepticism about finality of form and narrative....The look, feel and energy of Gallo’s book possesses remarkable affinity to the challenging and often paradoxically theatrical literature that violently challenged the orthodoxies of the Soviet state.”  -- Joel Lipman, House Organ.

“[Gallo’s] work – at once singular and timely – offers a rendering of current events, reading the banality of horror via poetry.”  -- Avital Ronell.

“Gallo titles his work, daytrtmnt, which is not only the standard therapeutic program for those in hospitals (day treatment), but is also, he argues, the homeopathic regimen we follow to live in a repressive society.  We must absorb the small violences everyday so that we might survive the larger ones.”  
-- Robert Buckeye.