1908, Edvard Munch has a breakdown in Copenhagen.
After treatment, including electro-shocks, Munch stops drinking, gives up
women and returns to a solitary life in Norway.
The novel traces Munch’s career up to that moment.
Buckeye’s work – whether he deals with intimate or far-flung geography –
has an edge to it, an incisive lyric toughness that’s very much his own.
The voice has pace, rhythm, force.”
-- Nicholas Delbanco.
is the novel Munch would have written about himself were he to have written
instead of painted.” -- The
Review of Contemporary Fiction.
surprisingly vivid evocation of fin de siecle bohemianism, and of the
curious mental condition of Edvard Munch.”
-- Sargasso.
it is like driving through a blizzard. It
haunted my dreams.” – Alicia Metcalf Miller.