Amandla Publishing: Robert Buckeye


Re: Quin
"an unabashedly personal and partisan critical biography of this 1960s British novelist"
The Dalkey Archive Press, 2013

The Munch Case
Amandla Publishing:
East Middlebury, VT, 2003 

Setting a Table Middlebury College: Middlebury, VT, 2003

The Work of Staff at Middlebury College Middlebury College Staff Council: Middlebury, VT, 2002

Pressure Drop 
Amandla Publishing:
East Middlebury, VT, 2001

Covering Ground 
St. Paul: MN: 
Truck Press, 1978

Fiction in Magazines


"Fade," House Organ, 65 (Winter 2009) Entire Issue

Detroit Riot Stories

"Pollard," House Organ, 8(Fall 1994).

"One-Way Street," Central Park, 14(Fall, 1988).

"Food For," Rampike, V:1(Fall, 1986).

"Incoming Rounds," Glitch, 4/5(July 1981).

"Now Not Touching Touch," Star-Web Paper, 7(1979).

"Only Later Will There Be Time," Primer, 4(November 1978).

Covering Ground (St. Paul: MN: Truck Press, 1978).

"Ombres Chinoises," Mulch, 7(Fall-Winter 1975).

Kent State

“May Day,” House Organ 40(Fall 2002).  Entire issue.

“Ground Zero,” House Organ, 32(Fall 2000).  Entire issue.


Kathy Acker

“Implications of Travel in Novels by Kathy Acker, Margaret Atwood and Mary Morris.”  Sargasso, 2006/2007:1.

Review of Essential Acker and Rip-Off Red, Girl Detective; The Burning Bombing of America: The Destruction of the U.S.   The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXIII:2 (Summer 2003).

Margaret Atwood

“Implications of Travel in Novels by Kathy Acker, Margaret Atwood and Mary Morris.”  Sargasso, 2006/2007:1.

Ingeborg Bachmann

Review of  Voyage to Klagenfurt  by Uwe Johnson.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXV:2 (Summer 2005).

Review of Letters to Felician.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXV:1 (Spring, 2005).

Walter Benjamin

"On The Arcades Project."  House Organ, 38(Spring 2002).

John Berger

"Its Place in Our Existence: Some Notes on John Berger's G."  Left Curve,  14(1990).

Review of And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos.  The Minnesota Review, (Spring 1987).

Review of And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, V:3(Fall 1985).

Review of G.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, II:3 (Fall 1982), 162-163.

"The Writer in the World."  Glitch, 2(1978).

Paul Blackburn

Rock Scissors Paper: The Poetry of Paul Blackburn.  Middlebury, VT: Abernethy Library, 1988.

"Rock, Scissors, Paper."  North Dakota Quarterly, LV:4(Fall 1987).

"The Principle, The Demarkation Is Use: Selected Letters of Paul Blackburn in the Abernethy Library."  Credences, III:2(Spring 1985).

Karin Boye

Review of Kallocain.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXIII:1 (Spring, 2003).

Kamau Brathwaite

"Brathwaite at the Broken Place."  Sargasso, 10(2000).

Setting a Table.

Helene Cixous

Review of The Day I Wasn’t There by Helene Cixous.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXVII:1(Spring 2007).

Edward Dahlberg

"Male Bonding."  Contact II, 60(Spring 1993).  

Guy Debord

Review of A Game of War.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 2008

Nicholas Delbanco

In the Middle Distance: Nicholas Delbanco.  Middlebury, VT: Abernethy Library, 1992

Review of Old Scores.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XVIII:1(Spring 1998).

Gilles Deleuze

Review of Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, VIII:1(Spring 1988).

Marguerite Duras

Review of Yann Andrea Steiner.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXVII:1(Spring, 2007).

Review of Writing.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XVIII:3(Fall 1998).

Annie Ernaux

Review of Shame. The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XIX:1(Spring 1999).

Judith Fitzgerald

"A Displaced Salesian Wandering Dogtown."  House Organ, 20(Fall 1997).

Janice Galloway

Setting a Table.

William Gass

"Living In." Mulch, 7(Fall-Winter 1975).

Alasdair Gray

Review of 1982, Janine.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, VI:1(Spring 1986).

Todd Haynes

"At Any Speed."  House Organ, 16(Fall 1996).

Aidan Higgins

Review of Bornholm Night-Ferry.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, IV:3(Fall 1984).

"Form as an Extension of Content."  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, III:1(Spring 1983).

C. L. R. James

"The People, Yes, or The People No: Decisive Moments in the Works of James, Kincaid and Mais." Caribbean Studies, XXVII:3-4(July-December 1994).

Franz Kafka

Review of Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, VIII:1(Spring 1988).

Jamaica Kincaid

“The Film of the Novel: The Influence of Marker’s La Jetee on Jamaica Kincaid’s At the Bottom of the River.”  Sargasso, 11(2003-04).

"The People, Yes, or The People No: Decisive Moments in the Works of James, Kincaid and Mais." Caribbean Studies, XXVII:3-4(July-December 1994).

Setting a Table.

Kathe Koja

Setting a Table.

Language Poets

"The Seduction of Mimi." Contact II, 56/57/58(Spring 1990)

Meridel LeSueur

Setting a Table.

Joseph McElroy

"Lookout Cartridge: Plans, Maps, Programs, Designs, Outlines." The Review of Contemporary Fiction, X:1(Spring 1990).

Roger Mais

"The People, Yes, or The People No: Decisive Moments in the Works of James, Kincaid and Mais." Caribbean Studies, XXVII:3-4(July-December 1994).

Sandor Marai

Review of The Rebels.  Words Without Borders, March 2008.

Chris Marker

“The Film of the Novel: The Influence of Marker’s La Jetee on Jamaica Kincaid’s At the Bottom of the River.”  Sargasso, 11(2003-04).

Paul Metcalf

Review of Collected Works, Volume Two. The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XVIII:1(Spring 1998).

Review of Mountaineers Are Always Free.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XI:3(Fall 1991].

Review of I-57.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, IX:1(Spring 1989).

Review of Both.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, III:1(Spring 1983).

Cees Nooteboom

Review of Lost Paradise.  Words Without Borders.  September, 2007.

Review of All Souls Day.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXII:2(Summer 2002).

Charles Olson

Review of Call Me Ishmael.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XVIII:3(Fall 1998).

Review of Collected Prose.   The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XVIII:2(Summer 1998).

"Train and Track."  House Organ, 23(Summer 1998).

"Male Bonding."  Contact II, 60(Spring 1993).

Jayne Anne Phillips

Setting a Table.

Ann Quin  

Re: Quin - Dalkey Archive Press, 2013 (click to view)

"Some Notes on Ann Quin."  House Organ, 18 (Spring 1997).

Yvonne Rainer

Setting a Table.

Carl Rakosi

"The Leap of His Poetry, the Intervention of His Life," in Carl Rakosi: Man and Poet (Orono, Maine: National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, 1993).

"Materials Towards a Study of Carl Rakosi," in Carl Rakosi: Man and Poet (Orono, Maine: National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, 1993).

Ishmael Reed

Setting a Table.

Avital Ronell

Setting a Table.

Gerhard Roth

Review of The Will to Sickness.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXVII:1(Spring 2007).

Peter Schumann

Setting a Table.

Hubert Selby

"Some Preliminary Notes Towards a Study of Selby." The Review of Contemporary Fiction, I:2(Summer 1981).

Alexander Sokurov

Review article on Mother and Son.  Film Quarterly, 52:4(Summer 1999).

Andresj Stasiuk

Review of Nine.  Words Without Borders, November, 2007.

Pauls Toutonghi

Review of Live Cargo.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXIV:2 (Summer, 2004).

Ellen Bryant Voigt

Setting a Table.


"Some Considerations in the Life of a Waitress."  Glitch, 6(Summer 1983).

Eliot Weinberger

Setting a Table.

Peter Weiss

Review of The Aesthetics of Resistance.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, XXV:3 (Fall 2005).

William Carlos Williams

"William Carlos Williams: An Unpublished Letter on Modernism and 
American Poetics," New England Review, 18:2(Spring 1997).

William Carlos Williams: the Attack From the Present.  Middlebury, VT: Abernethy Library, 1981.

Christa Wolf

Review of Cassandra.  The Review of Contemporary Fiction, VI:1(Spring 1986).

Jenny Erpenbeck

Review of The Old Child and The Book of Words.  Words Without Borders. May 2008

Peter Pistanek

Review of Rivers of Babylon.  Three Percent. May 2008.